connectDaily supports a very rich permissions system. It is important to understand security and permissions if you will have many people using connectDaily. There are two types of permissions. The first is general, system-wide permissions. These permissions are global. Examples would be permission to use the system configuration screen or to create Calendars, Users, Groups, or Resources. These permissions are assigned to the User or Group on the User or Group edit screen. |
The second type of permissions are instance permissions. These are granted for a specific instance of a thing. For example, permission to view the Holidays calendar or use a specific resource.
A User's permissions are the permissions directly assigned to him plus the permissions of all Groups he is a member of.
In order for a User to be able to view a calendar or resource, the User must have permissions to the calendar they wish to view. You can edit the permissions for an event by selecting the manage security button at the bottom of the edit screen.
User groups are a way of simplifying permissions. Rather than assigning permissions to 20 people, you can create a Group with the appropriate permissions and make the 20 people members of that Group.
Users can belong to multiple Groups and, the permissions they receive from each Group, are added up. If Use Minimal Security Levels is set, then each new User is made a member of all Groups.
When you create an Item like a calendar, you are given the right to control permissions to that Item. Using the Manage Security Dialog screen, you can assign Users and Groups to have specific permissions to the Calendar or Resource.