Jewish Holidays
connectDaily has support for Jewish religious observances. For information, refer to the help topic Import Wizard.
If you need candle lighting times or support for additional years, a good source is
To bring events from this site into connectDaily, follow the steps below. It may be helpful to print this topic, and check the steps off as you work.
- Go to the site
- Click on the link Customize Calendar Settings underneath the Get Calendar button.
- Set the year as desired.
- If you want candle lighting times, enter your zip code. In the candle lighting times section.
- If you don't want Havdalah times enter 0 in the box for Havdalah minutes past sundown.
- Check the appropriate options.
- Click on the button Create Calendar. You should now see a generated calendar.
- At the top of the generated calendar page, click on the Download button.
- Click on iCalendar, and copy the entire URL onto the clipboard.
- Now, login to connectDaily as an Administrator.
- From the menu, click on the toolbox icon and choose Import.
- Paste the URL.
- On page 2 of the import wizard, select the calendar to bring the events into. Set the default type for the new events.
- Leave Import Event Times? checked.
- Finally, click on the finish button. You'll see a bunch of messages about things that were ignored, and then the number of events that were imported.
- If you want to trim off the year from calendar dates, go to the SQL Command window and run this statement:
update calitem set description=regexp_replace(description,', 5\d{3}$','')
where regexp_replace(description,'\d{1,2}.*, 5\d{3}$','UPDATE')='UPDATE'
When you go to view calendar, you should now see your events.
Removing the Holidays From Your Calendar
Return to the Import Wizard; select the Toolbox iCon, and choose Import from the menu. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the undo block. Select the import to undo and click on the Undo button.