How do I get rid of the add event icon on the mobile viewer?
The mobile viewer displays the add event icon if the user has permissions to add events to any calendar.
For the public, the user is the GUEST user. Login to the standard version of connectDaily and use the Setup Public Calendar viewing screen to disable the public's ability to add events. If you're using Virtual Host Mapping, you'll need to edit each virtual host's guest user and remove their permissions to add events to all calendars.
What devices have you tested with?
The application has been tested with the following systems:
In general, the mobile pages work well on all devices. Some devices have a better appearance than others.
I'm using a _______ device and performance is really bad. Can't you make it any faster?
The performance is specifically optimized for low bandwidth connections. connectDaily does this by using a combination of technologies, including AJAX, compressed Javascript and CSS, GZIP compression, local caching, and browser caching. In short, if performance is really bad, it's either because the device is really slow, or the carrier network.
Blackberry devices deserve a special mention. Virtually all non-WiFi traffic on Blackberry devices go through the RIM Network Center. This may explain why latencies (the time between when you initiate something, and something starts to happen) are really bad.
Here's a simple test. If you're on the month view, and you hit Next Month it should be very quick. This is because the browser is making a very simple request to the server and receiving 31 characters of data. If it's taking a long time, then it's your carrier. If you want to test your device, go forward a few months, and then start going backwards. The web pages cache information locally, so when you hit backwards, you're seeing how long it takes your device to re-display data that's already in memory.
General mobile performance information.
connectDaily uses a variety of performance optimizations to make the mobile version as fast as possible. These include:
The use of AJAX means that requests for each page are very small. For example, going forward one day will generally return about 200 characters of information. Using the month forward button requests 31 characters of data from the server. The great thing about this is that even if you're heavily using connectDaily it's going to use very little data. Conservatively, if you add ten events a day, and perform 200 page views you would use about 500K bytes of data per day, or around 15MB per month. A typical data plan starts at 2000MB per month.
On one particular device we used for testing, it can take up to two minutes to go forward one day. The next request might take under a second. In either case, it's the device and the carrier network that are the controlling factors.
To correct the default name, have your calendar administrator edit your user account and enter the correct full name.
To correct the Email address, login to the standard browser version of connectDaily. Click on the Change Preferences link to set your Email address.
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