This section will guide you through integrating connectDaily into your website via Ajax. Using Ajax, you can directly integrate calendar information into your web pages, creating exciting interactive designs.
AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It's a way of creating web pages that dynamically update without forcing a page reload.
The way it usually works is that a User will click on a link on a page triggering some Javascript. That Javascript will then connect to a server and retrieve data, usually in XML format. When the data is returned, more Javascript takes that data, formats it, and places it on the web page.
As mentioned above, the advantage of using Ajax is that it can happen without a page reload, giving the illusion of faster operation.
The disadvantage of Ajax is that it requires the use of JavaScript in the page and this makes it more difficult to test and debug your web pages.
Recommended Reading
Ajax for Dummies, Steve Holzner, PHD, Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis Indiana, ISBN: 0-471-78597-0
Mastering Ajax, Bret McLaughlin, IBM Developer Works Technical Library
Please be aware that Ajax is a very advanced web developer topic. You will need to be familiar with directly editing HTML in order to complete this process. If desired, MH Software, Inc. can perform this integration for you as a paid service. For additional information, contact MH Software, Inc.