Using this screen, you can directly edit the XML Document definition for your custom field set or selector screen. For Custom Field Definitions, you can click on the Wand icon to edit the Custom Field Definition using the Custom Fields Wizard.
For information about the XML, refer to the CustomFields.dtd file, or the connectDaily Source Code Guide.
When you save your XML document, the document will be validated against the CustomFields.DTD file. You may want to use an XML editor to create the document, and then copy and paste it into the text field.
Once you have created the custom input tab, you must edit your calendar's definition to include the new custom tab.
If you edit the field definition using the Wizard, all advanced settings of your Custom Field set definition will be lost. http://localhost:8080/calendar/CustomFields.dtd
This is happening because the DTD entry in the DOCTYPE tag points to a URL or file that cannot be retrieved. Edit the path to point to the correct path. By default, the CustomFields.dtd is in the connectDaily directory.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "InputTab" must match "(Caption,Description?,HelpURL?,ValidationClass?,ScriptURL*,BodyEvents?,FormEvents?,FieldList)".
This means that the XML Document definition does not match up with the DTD. Elements in the XML document must appear in the same order as described in the DTD and required elements must be present.
java.sql.SQLException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document is invalid: no grammar found.
This means that the XML parser was not able to find the DOCTYPE tag, and the DTD file.