Integrating Microsoft IIS 8 with connectDaily
Throughout these instructions, there will be references to $CATALINA_BASE as the base portion for the file and directory paths displayed. For most installations this variable refers to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MH Software\connectDaily\TCBase
Step 1 - Set Permissions
- From the Windows Start menu, choose Administrative Tools, and then select Internet Information Services Manager.
- Locate the account your IIS Server runs under. Click on the web site in the Connections (left) pane. In the Actions (right most) pane, click on Advanced Settings... Note the application pool used.
- In the Connections (left) pane, click on Application Pools. Click on the application pool noted in the previous step. In the Actions (right most) pane, click on Advanced Settings.
Note whether Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to True.
In the Process Model section, note the Identity the application pool uses.
- Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native directory. Right click on the folder and choose properties.
- Change to the Security tab of the properties dialog.
- Click on the Edit button and then the Add button. If necessary, change the "Look In" dropdown to refer to the local machine.
- If the identity from step 1c is ApplicationPoolIdentity enter IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool, otherwise select the User you discovered in step 1c, click Add, and finally, click OK.
- Repeat steps d-g for the $CATALINA_BASE\conf directory.
- Repeat steps d-g for the $CATALINA_BASE\logs sub-directory. For this directory, ensure that the user noted in step 1c is granted write permissions to the directory.
Step 2 - Create the Jakarta Application
- From the sites list, select the site (or Default Web Site) for the calendar. Right click on the desired site. From the popup menu, select Add Application...
- Enter an alias of jakarta. You must type the directory name precisely as shown. The name must be all lower case as shown.
- For the physical path choose $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native and click on OK.
- In the Actions (right most) pane, click on the advanced settings link for the application, ensure that the application pool is the same as the application pool the server runs under. See Step 1b above.
Step 3 - Install the ISAPI Redirector Filter
- If Enable 32-Bit Applications was set to True (Step 1c), copy the file $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll.x86 to $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll.
- Click on the site in the Connections (left) pane and then in the center pane, double-click on the ISAPI Filters icon. If you don't see this icon, click on the Features View selector at the bottom of the pane. If you still don't see ISAPI Filters in the features pane, you will need to go into Windows Server Manager, Add Roles and Features, and modify the World Wide Web Role to have Application Development\ISAPI Modules and ISAPI Extensions installed.
- Now, right-click in the ISAPI Filters pane and select Add. For Filter Name, enter Tomcat Redirector. For executable, select $CATALINA_base\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll and click on OK.
- Click on the site in the left pane and then in the right pane, double-click on the Handler Mappings icon.
Right click on the handler mappings section and choose "Add Module Mapping..."
For Request path, enter *.dll
From the Module dropdown list, select "IsapiModule". DO NOT SELECT "IsapiFilterModule", it's not the same thing.
For Executable, select $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll. For Name, enter "Tomcat Redirector"
Click on the Request Restrictions button, and then click on the Access tab. Set access to Execute and click on OK to finish the Request Restrictions dialog, and OK to finish the Edit Script Map dialog.
A dialog will appear asking if you want to allow this ISAPI extension. Select "Yes".
In the connections pane, double-click on the top-level server. Then, double-click on Handler Mappings. In the handler mapping list, ensure there is not a Disabled mapping for "*.dll" IsapiModule. If there is a disabled mapping remove it. This would override and disable the Tomcat Redirector.
Click on the site in the left pane and then in the right pane, double-click on the Handler Mappings icon. Ensure the ISAPI redirector is enabled. If it's not, click on Edit Feature Permissions in the Action Pane, and grant Read, Script, and Execute Permissions.
Step 4 - Test Installation
If you have Tomcat running (either standalone or as a service), you should now be able to connect to the machine and access the calendar. Open a browser, and enter the URL
http://<host name>/calendar/login.html
You should be presented with the calendar login screen.
If you wish to change the request URI prefix from /calendar/ to something else you will have to edit the file $CATALINA_BASE\conf\, and change the path component of the context in the $CATALINA_BASE\conf\Catalina\localhost\calendar.xml file to the desired name. You will also have to rename the file calendar.xml to <path>.xml. To eliminate an path, rename it to "ROOT.xml".
If you are no longer using the HTTP connector Tomcat runs on port 8080, you can disable it by editing the $CATALINA_BASE\conf\server.xml file.
Edit the file $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native\ Set the Log Level to debug.
Re-start the IIS service.
Make a request that will go through the ISAPI filter. I.E. http://hostname/calendar/login.html?request_id=1. If you make multiple requests, increment the value for request_id. This disables browser caching.
Look in the $CATALINA_BASE\logs directory for the isapi_redirect.log file. If it's not there, check the permissions on the directory and re-start the IIS service.
If you get the log file, print the instructions above and go through them step-by-step, checking off each step as you complete it.