Integrating Microsoft IIS 6 with connectDaily
Throughout these instructions, there will be references to $CATALINA_BASE as the base portion for the file and directory paths displayed. For most installations this variable refers to:
C:\Program Files\MH Software\connectDaily\TCBase
Step 1 - Determine Effective User Name
- Open Windows Internet Information Services Manager and right click on the virtual host (or default website) for the calendar and choose Properties.
- Switch to the Home tab and write down the Application Pool name.
- In the left frame, click on the Application Pools folder, and then right-click on the application pool name from the step above.
- Click on the identity tab and write down the identity used.
Step 2 - Set Permissions
- Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native directory. Right click on the folder and choose properties.
- Change to the Security tab of the properties dialog.
- Click on the Add button. If necessary, change the "Look In" dropdown to refer to the local machine.
- Locate the account you found in step 1d. Select the User, click Add, and finally, click OK.
- Repeat steps a-d for the $CATALINA_BASE\conf directory.
- Repeat steps a-d for the $CATALINA_BASE\logs. For this directory, ensure the user is granted write permissions to the directory.
Step 3 - Create the Jakarta Virtual Directory
- Open the Windows Internet Information Services Manager and right click on the virtual host (or default website) for the calendar. From the popup menu, select New -> Virtual Directory.
- Enter a virtual directory name of jakarta. You must type the directory name in precisely as shown.
- For the directory choose $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native
- Assign "Allow Execute Access" permissions to the directory.
- Complete the dialog by clicking on OK or Finish.
Step 4 - Install the ISAPI Redirector Filter
- Right click on the Virtual host again and choose properties.
- When the properties dialog box appears, select the ISAPI Filters tab.
- Click on the Add button. Enter a name like "Jakarta Redirector".
- For the "Executable", click on the "Browse" button and navigate to the $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native directory and select the file isapi_redirect.dll.
- Select OK and click on Apply.
Step 5 - Windows 2003/IIS 6 Only
- In the left pane of the IIS manager, select Web Service Extensions and select Add a new Web service extension.
- Name the extension Jakarta-Tomcat and add the $CATALINA_BASE\bin\native\isapi_redirect.dll to the required files section.
- Check the box for set extension status to Allowed.
- Restart the web service.
Step 6 - Test Installation
If you have Tomcat running (either standalone or as a service), you should now be able to connect to the machine and access the calendar. Open a browser, and enter the URL
http://<host name>/calendar/login.html
You should be presented with the calendar login screen.
If you wish to change the request URI prefix from /calendar/ to something else you will have to edit the file $CATALINA_BASE\conf\, and change the path component of the context in the $CATALINA_BASE\conf\Catalina\localhost\calendar.xml file to the desired name. You will also have to rename the file calendar.xml to <path>.xml.
If you are no longer using the HTTP connector Tomcat runs on port 8080, you can disable it by editing the $CATALINA_BASE\conf\server.xml file.