The simple list and responsive detailed list shortcodes allow you to integrate your connectDaily calendar data into your site easily.
The Simple List is designed to be used in a sidebar to show a brief list of upcoming events.
Clicking on event brings the details forward:
The detailed list of events shows the complete event details inline on your page. If the detailed list is viewed on a mobile device, it collapses into a simple list for display.
The Events Filter short code works with the responsive full-sized calendar. It creates a filter list of checkboxes that allow your site's visitors to filter the events displayed. For example, they can choose specific event types or categories to filter on.
Short Code Options
Option Name |
Description |
Filter Events by/ |
Method to filter by. Supported values are:
Title |
Title to display as the legend for the filter field set. |
Collapse Threshold/ collapse_threshold |
If more than this # of filter checkboxes is present, initially display the filter box as a collapsed field set. Set this value to 0 to disable collapsing the filter set. |
Collapse Label/ |
Label to display to the left of the title to give a visual indication that clicking on the fieldset legend collapses the field set. |
Expand Label/ |
Label to display to the left of the title to give a visual indication that clicking on the fieldset legend expands the field set. |
Additional Notes
For calendar and event types, the available options are controlled by permissions. The connectDaily user account must have permission to view calendar for this object.
If there's not more than one checkbox option, then the filter box will not be displayed.
You can "Uncheck All" boxes and still have some events left over. As an example, say you have an event with a location of "Some Concert Hall" and the option "View calendars for this location." is not set. The location is not in the set of checkboxes, so it's unaffected by uncheck all. In other words, uncheck all only operates on the events that are represented in the filter set.