The best way to integrate connectDaily into a website is to use custom headers and footers. You can specify custom HTML that appears at the top and bottom of the generated calendar. Using this technique, you can make connectDaily look and feel exactly like the rest of your website.
Custom headers and footers are only displayed to users who are not logged in.
You can use the Edit Custom Header Screen to easily create a custom header. You can use the Change Colors Screen to customize the colors used.
When a calendar is displayed, the following takes place:
As mentioned above, you can specify custom headers and footers globally in the SYSTEM | CONFIGURATION | APPEARANCE screen or at the calendar level.
connectDaily will look for custom headers and footers in the custom/<language> directory. If your browser language is set to Spanish, then connectDaily will look for the header in the custom/es directory. If it doesn't find an entry there, it will look in the custom/en directory for an English version. connectDaily ships with sample custom header and footer files in the custom/en directory.
The default header and footer files created by the Edit Custom Header screen and the hosted version of connectDaily are named:
You can also specify custom header and footer pages for each calendar. If a value is present at the calendar level, the name of the header or footer files specified will override the defaults specified in the
Things to note with custom headers and footers:
We recommend that you test the completed pages using the HTML Validator at