This screen contains options for configuring the appearance of your connectDaily calendar system.
See Also: Differences in Month Views
Using this option you can select the type of calendar that is displayed for the day view. The options are Single Day Planner View and Single Day List View. The Single Day Planner View is a grid with the hours of the day going downwards. Events are displayed as blocks on that planner grid. The list view is a list of events for a single day.
Enabling this option will display a dropdown list in the calendar controls section. Using the list, the person viewing the calendar can select between day view, month view, week view, list view, etc.
By default, events that are not approved will show on the calendar. Setting this option to Yes will show only events that have been approved.
By default, connectDaily will show the previous 5 years of dates, and the following 10 years of dates in the date selection dropdown on the calendar view. This can be cumbersome post people. Setting this option will limit the available selections to the previous three months, and the next year. Even if you select this option, you can still navigate outside this date range using the next/previous icons on the calendar view.
If this option is set to yes, then the leading and trailing cells in the month view calendar will be populated. For example, if the 1st day of the month is Monday, setting this option to yes will display the events on the last day of the previous month. Similarly, trailing cells that are part of the next month will be populated. If this option is set to no, then days not part of the current month will not be populated in the grid.
Setting this option to yes will enable the rich text editor for the event description. This will allow you to apply basic formatting, bold, insert images, etc into the event long description.
This option lets you set the first page that Users will see after logging in. The two choices are the calendar or the welcome page. The calendar page will use the User's individual preference to select which calendar view to display.
This is the name of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) connectDaily should use. The cascading style sheet controls the appearance of the calendars including the fonts and colors displayed. If you wish to customize it, copy the existing style sheet or go to the Change Colors option on the Welcome screen and modify it to suit your needs. If a custom header is used, remember that the style sheet callout is in the custom header file.
This is the name of the style sheet used for mobile views of connectDaily. If you want to customize the mobile style sheet, download mobile_src.css Rename, customize it, and set this name to the name of your new sheet.
This style sheet controls the appearance of connectDaily when you print calendars. By editing this sheet, you can adjust the point size of events when they print. Refer to Printing Issues for additional information.
These values control the default header and footer file used when viewing a calendar. They will only be used when viewing calendars while not logged in.
If this option is set to Yes, then colorization of events is tied to the Event Type. You would specify the style for the Event Type on the Edit Event Type screen. If this option is set to No, then you can set the Item Style independently of the Event Type.
If this option is set to Yes, then a Legend of Item Styles will be generated and appear below the calendar.
If you set this option to Yes, then the mini-month calendars displayed on the Day View, Week View, and Year View will have dates that contain events highlighted..
This is the path to a directory that contains your Site-specific Help files. This should be an absolute path and you should ensure that the User of the calendar has at least READ permissions to the directory. For additional information on how this feature works, refer to Site Help.
Turning this on will change the calendar from a normal 7 days per week view, to a 5 days per week view, showing only the weekdays.
If this option is set to Yes, the approve items and approve resources menu options will only be displayed to those people who are Approvers of resources or calendar events.
By default, if a User clicks on the search button without entering search strings no results are returned. Setting this option will cause results to be returned even if no search words were specified.
This screen displays the license data for your connectDaily installation.
If you have purchased connectDaily or would like an evaluation license key, you can request a key for connectDaily. Click on the Request License Key button to begin.
The default demonstration version of connectDaily runs for two hours and then must be restarted. An evaluation key will run for 30 days before reverting to requiring restart every two hours.
When you receive a License Key, click on the Import License Data button to import it.