connectDaily offers a very flexible usage report. Some of the reports you can create using this screen are:
To get started, enter the start and end dates for the report.
Select the data value you want to appear in the Row Values dropdown. Available choices, are Calendars, Resources, Event Types, Event Owners, Resource Types, and Event Contacts.
Select the column heading you want. If you don't select a column heading, you get a simple list report as shown below.
Finally, select what you want to show. Available options include the duration of the events in hours, the count of events, and the count of other variables.
If you select a column heading, you'll get a report that looks like this:
If your report includes resources, and you have more than one resource on an event, the results can be different than a report without resources. For example:
The difference is because events using more than one resource are counted once for each resource.