The Advanced Search Screen feature is available with the Small Business Pack, Corporate Pack, and Enterprise Pack versions of connectDaily. The Advanced Search Screen allows you to search for multiple criteria at once.
For example, you can select the Avalanche Calendar, and the Nuggets calendar, and see the two calendars combined into one view. You could also add as a Resource the Pepsi Center. This would restrict the view to show only games from those two calendars that were held at the Pepsi Center.
Using this screen, you can filter or combine calendars based on:
For each of these, a mover is available to let you select the items.
When you pick events from one category (Calendar, Event Type, or Resource), any events matching the selections for that category are displayed. For example, I pick Event Types of concert and game. Any events of either of those two types will be displayed.
If you set options for more than one category, like Calendar and Event Type, then an event must be on one of the selected calendars, and must match one of the selected event types to display. You can open or close the category selection area by clicking on the expand icon (plus or minus sign).
You can also restrict the events that appear by specifying a date range or search text that events must match to be displayed.
See Also: View Search
Distance Search
If your system has Geographic Radius Search enabled, an additional block will appear:
You can type in a location, and either select from a list of distances, or type in a distance to search for events in.
If you have the user preference to show search results in calendar format, then the sort by option will not be shown.
See Also: Geographic Radius Search
Programmatic Calling Advanced Search
You can call advanced search with URL arguments and the screen will automatically perform the search and send the user to the appropriate view. Arguments are:
Here's an example:
Arguments for the Advanced Search Screen are shown below. Unless otherwise noted, all text values must be encoded per RFC-3986.
Parameter |
Description |
btnSubmit |
Required. This argument tells the form to execute the search and display the results. The value is ignored. |
calendar_list |
Comma separated list of calendar ID's to display. |
dayspan |
For the View Planner display, the number of days to display. |
integral |
1=Logged in, 0=View logged out. |
opgFields |
1=Search Title Field Only, 2=Search All Fields |
resource_list |
Comma separated list of resource ID's to display. |
title |
The title to use for the displayed calendar. |
txtSearch |
Text to search for. This should be URI Encoded per RFC-3986. |
txtStart, txtEnd |
Date for start of search in format YYYY-MM-DD |
type_list |
Comma separated list of item type ID's to display. |
viewer |
connectDaily web page that should display the results. For example, ViewMonth.html, ViewPlanner.html, etc. |
Custom fields will be prefixed with the letters "cd".So, a custom field named Location would be "cdLocation" |