Here are some answers to the questions people most commonly ask before purchasing connectDaily. Click on the question to display the answer.
Here are some examples and some guidance on how to pick the right number of calendars for your organization. The simplest answer is that you need to purchase one calendar for each unique VIEW you want to create.
For example, you have a company with 9 departments. You would like to be able to view each department by itself or view the company as a whole. You can do this one of two ways. You can purchase a 10-calendar license and create a calendar for each department and a rollup or combined calendar for viewing the whole company. The other way you could do this is to use use one calendar and create an Event Type for each department. You could then view the calendar by Event Type to show a specific department or you could view by calendar to see all events together.
The trade-off is cost versus flexibility. Fewer calendars means a lower license fee but at the cost of being able to view your events in different ways. Here's a comparison of the two methods.
Method |
Single Calendar with sub-views created by using Event Types |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Method |
Multiple Calendars |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
connectDaily can be run in three ways:
Hosted on our servers.
The hosted version of connectDaily provides a file transfer screen for uploading images, style sheets, etc. This feature is not present in the non-hosted version.
Installed on your servers
Does not contain file transfer screen described above.
Deployed on your servers as an uncompressed WAR file.
This is usually only seen in ISP hosting environments. Does not contain file transfer screen. Some features not available:
You can still have IFrame Calendar widgets, but you have to enable manually copy the files into the WAR file before deploying it.
No. We want you to try out our service and make sure that it meets your needs. You are under no obligation to purchase and you will not be asked for any billing information or automatically billed.
If you decide that it does not meet your needs you don't have to cancel the trial. Your feedback is valuable to us so we would like to know why our software doesn't meet your needs. If you would take the time to EMail us at, we would greatly appreciate it.
Yes. connectDaily has a comprehensive security system that gives you control over who can see which calendars.
The easiest way to control this is to go to the Setup Public Calendar Viewing screen and use the mover to control what calendars are visible to the public.
To configure this, go to the Setup Public Calendar Viewing screen and check the option for Can the public add events to the calendar?
Once you've done this, you'll still need to add a link to the custom header to give the users a way of adding the events. To do this, go to the Edit Custom Header screen.
See Also: Allowing the Public to Add Events
connectDaily uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control its appearance. With CSS, it is possible to specify in the style sheet the print view appearance.
To try this out, visit our trial site:
and from your browser's menu, choose PRINT | PREVIEW. Notice that the heading is gone, fonts are scaled down, etc.
The default connectDaily installation uses the open source Apache Derby Database. Nothing else is needed.
If you would like to use a different database, we support MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, and Sybase SQL Anywhere.