Setup Public Calendar Viewing is a quick way to allow the public to view selected calendars.
Can people view calendars without having to login? - Checking this option will allow your website visitors to view your chosen calendar(s). Unchecking the option requires that users log in before viewing any calendar.
Selecting Calendars - If you have more than one calendar licensed, a selection mover appears to allow you to select what calendars the public can see. Select all the desired calendars from Available Calendars and move to Visible Calendars using the mover or double clicking on the available calendar. You can set the order of the calendars within the calendar selection dropdown by using the up/down mover arrows to the right of Visible Calendars.
Can the public add events to your calendar? – If you would like your website visitors to be able to add events to your calendar, choose Yes, if not, choose No.
Events added by the public must be approved - If this option is selected, then any publicly added events will have to be approved before they are displayed on the calendar. We STRONGLY urge you to do this.
Can the public create new locations when creating events? - If you select this option, then public users can create new locations at the time they create their event.
Enable IFrame Calendar Widgets - Refer to: IFrame Integration
Show Stop Times by Default - By default, only event start times are displayed on the calendar. You can specify that stop times should be displayed by default by selecting this option.
Show Resources by Default - By default, Resources are not displayed on the main calendar, only on the specific Item view. Selecting this option will show the Resources on the various calendar views.
Display Event Detail in Week View and List View - When this option is selected, the long description and other details for the Event will be displayed in-line on the web page.
Show Event Types Filter with Calendar - Selecting this option will display a set of checkboxes above the calendar display. Using these checkboxes, the user can select what event types should be displayed. It's similar to viewing calendar by even type, but it allows you to select more than one event type at the same time.
Search Results Displayed in Calendar Form - If this option is selected, any search results will be returned in the User's default calendar view, e.g., month view calendar, rather than list view.
Enable location entry for events - Selecting this option will allow public users to select a location when they create an event.
Allow anonymous users to use the sync feature - If this option is selected, then guest users can use the connectDaily sync program to download events to MS Outlook or Palm PDAs.
Enable iCal Export and RSS Feeds - Set this option to allow visitors to subscribe to your calendar via iCal, or RSS feeds. This option must be enabled in order to use Ajax integration. If you enable this option, Apple iPhone users can subscribe to your calendar.
Anonymous User Preferences persist between sessions. - If Edit Preferences is set to yes, and this option is set to yes, then permanent cookies are used to save guest preferences. If this option is set to no, then guest preferences will reset when the browser is closed.
Edit preferences - If this option is set, then users can set options to view stop times, and resources, and change the default time zone (if time zone support is enabled).
Create or edit event reminders and notification requests - If this option is selected, then guest users will be able to create EMail Reminders and Notification Requests about new events.
Default Calendar View - When a User is logged in and chooses "View Calendar" from the menu, this is the default format of the calendar that will appear. Examples would be month view, day view, week view, etc.
Month View Calendar Format - Refer to Differences in Month Views.
Enable AddThis Social Networking Support - Setting this option to Yes enables the share button to allow your users to share events to Facebook, Twitter, and many others.
Time Zone - This is the default time zone for users who view calendars without being logged in. If the Edit Preferences option is set, then visitors will be able to change the time zone used for time conversion.
Planner Start and End Time - This is the time range that is used for the single day planner view.
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