Frequently Asked Questions About the WordPress Calendar Plugin
The WordPress calendar is starting on the wrong day of the week.
The starting day of the week for the calendar is controlled by the WordPress setting. In the WordPress dashboard, choose Settings | General. Set the value for Week Starts On to the desired value.
In WordPress, event times are wrong in displayed events.
The timezones you have configured for connectDaily and WordPress are different. In the WordPress dashboard, select Settings | General. Set the timezone appropriately. In connectDaily, go to System | Configuration | Time Input and set the timezone there as well.
I've updated my calendar, but the plugin isn't showing the changes on my WordPress page.
The plugin uses caching to maximize performance of widgets and shortcodes. You can temporarily disable caching by going to connectDaily's settings page and using the Disable Caching option.
What are the version requirements for the WordPress Plugin?
Minimum Version Required