iCal, RSS, and JSON Export allow multiple filters for export of data.
The general format of these exports is:
Where export_type is either iCal, RSS, or jsonp, by_method is calendar_id, item_type_id, resource_type_id, or resource_id. by_id is the id of the object. E.G. the calendar ID. For example, the JSONP export looks like:
This would export all events on the calendar with the id of 3 for the next 7 days.
Beginning with version 3.4.15, you can now specify additional filters on the url. Say the ID for the resource "Pepsi Center" is 7, you can now filter for events on that calendar at the Pepsi Center. The format of the URL would be:
You can specify more than one value, and more than one filter. For example, say I have a "Theater" calendar, and two of the venue resources are "Dinner Theaters". I could use the filter like this:
To retrieve only those events that are at one of those two venues. I could further refine it to only extract musicals by adding the item_type_id option:
You can also create exclusionary filters. For example:
will return events from calendar id=3, except those of item type 11. The negation (minus) sign indicates that it's an exclusionary or negative filter value.
For inclusionary value filters, each additional filter (resource_id and item_type_id in the example) must be matched by at least one value. For exclusionary (negative) filters, any matched value will be excluded. The additional filter options that can be applied are:
See Also: Remotely Extracting Data