connectDaily allows you to remotely extract data via HTTP. You can extract data in CSV, iCalendar, JSONP, and RSS format.
The URL to extract data from connectDaily is:
[/calendar path]/ [format] /[by method]/(object id | list).extension[?URLOption=value[&URLOption...=value]]
if the requested file name is "list.extension", then a list of items of (by method) will be returned. E.G. a list of calendars. Otherwise, a list of events matching (by_method)/(object id) are returned.
See Also: Filtering on Mulitple Options
Format Value |
Description |
csv |
Comma-Separated Value - Recommended extension: .csv |
jsonp |
JSON - Recommended extension: .js |
iCal |
iCalendar / RFC-5545 - Recommended extension: .ics |
rss |
RSS 2.0/XML - Recommended extension: .xml |
By Method Value |
Description |
calendar_id |
The ID of the calendar to extract events for. (object id) is the calendar ID. |
cal_item_id |
The cal_item_id of a specific event to retrieve data for. |
item_type_id |
The event type id to extract events for. |
location_id |
The id of the location to extract events for. |
resource_id |
Resource ID to extract events for. |
resource_type_id |
Resource Type ID to extract events for. |
Parameter Name |
Formats |
Description |
allow_duplicates |
jsonp |
The default behavior is to export each event only one time, no matter how many times the event occurs during the dayspan. If you want every occurrence of an event to be exported, add allow_duplicates=1 as an argument. |
callback |
jsonp |
JSON only. Callback function to send data to. If you're using jQuery, the format for the callback function would be ?callback=? |
CDSearchText |
jsonp |
Text to search for. You can pass this value to limit the returned events to those containing the specified text. Normal connectDaily search logic applies. |
chkIncludeText |
csv |
If 1, include the long description. If 0, or not present, do not include the long description. |
dayspan |
csv |
# of days to retrieve events for. If not specified, uses the Default # of Days to Export value from System | Configuration | Sync/Export Options. Using this parameter, you can increase or decrease the number of days that events are returned for. RSS NotesIf this parameter is -1, then all one time or specific dates events in the candidate set (calendar, resource, etc) will be returned. This includes events that are in the past. Recurring events (other than specific dates) will not be included in the output set. This parameter is ignored if newest is specified. Regardless of how many times an event occurs during the specified period, the entry will only be returned one time. Refer to allow_duplicates. |
htmldescription |
iCal |
Default 0. The default behavior for iCal export is to strip HTML from the long description of an event. If this parameter is present and set to 1, the iCal event will have the HTML formatted description returned. |
include_past |
iCal |
The default behavior is to export future events, and those that happened within the last 30 days. If you want all events regardless of date, add "include_past=1" as a URL argument. |
integral_days |
jsonp |
Default 1. Say you set maxcount=12 and the 13th event is on the same day as the 12th event. If integral_days=1 (the default), then all events that happen on the same day as the item specified by maxcount are included. To disable this, pass integral_days=0 as an argument. |
maxcount |
jsonp |
Maximum number of events to return. If not specified, uses the Default Max Events to Export value from System | Configuration | Sync/Export Options. The number of returned elements is also impacted by integral_days. |
newest |
rss |
1 - If this value is specified, rather than returning the next dayspan days of events, the maxcount newest events will be returned. In other words, the maxcount most recently edited events will be returned. |
nodefaultcontact |
iCal |
If this argument is present, and the value is 1, then the event owner will not be added to the iCal entry as the ORGANIZER/CONTACT. |
noresourcesindesc |
iCal |
If this argument is present and the value is 1, then the resources used by the event will not be added as text to the event description. |
offset |
csv |
Offset number of day to retrieve events for. For example, if you want tomorrow's events, you would pass offset=1&dayspan=0. |
pubdate |
rss |
0 - The pubdate element of the item entry will be the last update of the event. The event start/stop date will be placed in the event description entry. If you specify pubdate=0, then the description will include the event start times for one time events, or the recurrence description for recurring events. 1 - Default. The pubdate element of the Item entry will be the event date time. |
reverse |
jsonp |
If reverse=1, reverse the default order of the returned events. maxcount is applied before the reverse operation is performed. |
rollup |
all |
0 - Don't roll up events from included calendars into this export. 1 - Default. Follow the option set at the calendar level for rollup. |
show_resources |
all |
If show_resources=1 then resource names assigned to the event will be suffixed to the event title. If this value is not specified, the user level preference will be used. Regardless of this setting, resources are exported on the event as an array of resource objects. |
start |
csv |
Start Date in yyyy-mm-dd, request locale, or Julian day number format. |
startdate enddate |
csv |
Dates for start and end of exported data. This should be either in yyyy-mm-dd format, or the correct format for the request's first accept-language. |
strip_html |
csv |
If 1, strip any HTML from the long description. Implies chkIncludeText=1. |
user_id etoken |
all |
The presence of the user_id and token parameters allow you to specify a URL to data that would not otherwise be visible. Users can invalidate their export token by going to any of the data export screens and selecting the icon to re-generate the access code. |
Retrieve a list of calendar the user can view:
Retrieve the next 7 days of events from a specific calendar.
Retrieve a maximum of 12 events for a specific resource and send it to a Javascript function named MyCallbackFunction: