Description of iCalendar Format
Most users will be able to import iCalendar data from connectDaily by clicking on the "webcal://" link. This should open your calendar software and create a remote calendar link.
If you do not have a webcal protocol handler installed (it does nothing when you click on the link), copy the http:// link onto the clipboard and paste it into your calendar software.
If your calendar requires a login or the calendar you want to subscribe to is not publicly visible, the iCal export page will list those events with a user id and token for export. If you've given out the URL with the token, and you want to deny access, you can use the key icon on the iCal export page to change the export token.
See Also: Remotely Extracting Data, Filtering on Multiple Options, Calendar Sharing Tutorial
iCal is a very complex specification and it can be difficult for programs to inter-operate. We are aware of the following issues:
Apple iCal |
All Versions
To improve compatibility, you can set the option for "Strict Microsoft Outlook/Apple iCal Compatibility" in System | Configuration | Sync/Export Options. |
Google Calendar |
It may take up to 24 hours for changes in connectDaily to be reflected in Google Calendar. This is because Google's calendar is fed via the Google search engine. See Also: Appendix D - Importing Data From connectDaily Into Google Calendar |
Microsoft Outlook |
Outlook 2007 and Higher Outlook 2007 supports subscription to remote calendars. You can subscribe to a connectDaily iCal calendar feed. Please note the following:
To improve compatibility, you can set the option for "Strict Microsoft Outlook/Apple iCal Compatibility" in System | Configuration | Sync/Export Options. |
Mozilla Lightning |
No known issues. |
PHPiCalendar 2.23 rc1 |
Specific Date events (RDATE) don't work. |
Windows Calendar (Vista) |
No known issues. |