Using a text editor, edit the file. The minimum required entries to get connectDaily are documented below. To change other options, login and use the System Configuration screen. Each screen has detailed information on the available options. Options for specific databases are addressed in SQL Database Installation Instructions.
Parameter |
Description |
JDBCDriver |
This is the class for your JDBC Driver. This information is unique to each database. You will need to copy the JDBC Driver files into your application server class path, or into the cdaily-5.0.0/WEB-INF/lib directory. |
JDBCConnectString |
Connection string for JDBC Driver. For PostgreSQL it would look something like: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/calendar Refer to your database documentation for information on your database. Your unique License Key is based in part on your JDBC connection string. If you change your JDBC connection, you will need to request a new License Key. If desired, you can use JNDI for your connection. To do this, specify a JDBCConnectString with your JNDI connection name. For example. If your JNDI variable name is jdbc/connectDaily then the configuration entry should be:
JNDI can be difficult to configure. There are often complex dependency and class path issues involved in configuring it. connectDaily has a built-in connection pooling mechanism that it uses. You should not use JNDI unless your environment requires it. Please consult your database and application server documentation for information on configuring JNDI connections. Please note that troubleshooting JNDI connections is not supported. |
SQL Database User ID Your unique License Key is based in part on your JDBC User ID. If you change your JDBC User ID, you will need to request a new License Key. |
JDBCPassword |
SQL Database Password |
DBObjectClass |
Helper class for DB Functions. You must set this to the appropriate entry for your database. Allowed values are: