Oracle Configuration
- Download connectDaily using the Installer
- Using the Database Configuration Assistant, create a new database named "" with a SID of "calendar"
- Using SQL Developer, connect to the calendar database with Username SYSTEM, password MANAGER, and Connect as set to "SYSDBA" If you have changed your SYSTEM password, you will need to enter the correct password.
- Expand out the calendar database and right click on the "Other Users" folder. Select CREATE from the right-click Menu. Enter the USER ID, and PASSWORD you would like to use. On the ROLE tab, select DBA.
- Connect to the calendar service with the User ID and password selected in step 4.
- Run the calschema.sql script from the cdaily-5.0.0\WEB-INF\sql\ORACLE directory.
- Copy the ojdbc6.jar from the Oracle jdbc\lib directory to "cdaily-5.0.0\WEB-INF\lib". If your installation does not have this file, you can download it from Oracle.
- Edit the file, putting in the configuration entries for your database.
- Start the connectDaily service and login.
- Configure Backup of the newly created database.
If you're using clustering or multiple SIDs on your Oracle server you may need to configure your JDBCConnectString to something like:
Note that the connection information would be entered as one very long line.