Microsoft SQL Server 2005-2012 Configuration
- Visit and download the Microsoft JDBC drivers, and install them.
- Copy the installed SQLJDBC4.JAR file into the cdaily-5.0.0/WEB-INF/lib directory. If you're using JDK 1.5, copy SQLJDBC.jar not SQLJDBC4.jar
- Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- Verify the server properties allow mixed mode authentication. If it's not set for mixed mode (Windows and SQL Server Authentication), change it to this mode.
- Expand the desired server, and right click on the databases folder icon and select "New Database...".
- Enter the name of the database and set the file sizes. 64MB for the database and 8MB for the transaction log should be sufficient for most users.
- Expand the Security folder and right click on the Logins folder and select "New Login...". Set the default database for the new User ID to your new calendar database. Select "SQL Server Authentication" and enter a user name and password You must create the account with the Authentication setting set to SQL Server Authentication. Uncheck "Enforce Password Expiration" and "User must change password at next login".
- In the left pane, click on User Mapping. Put a check in the box for your calendar database. In the “Database role membership for" box, check db_owner. Click on OK to complete adding the user.
- From the menu, choose File | Open | File. Select the cdaily-5.0.0\WEB-INF\sql\MSSQL\calschema.sql file. If the authentication window appears, select SQL Server authentication and enter the user name and password you created in step 6.
- Ensure the new calendar database is the currently selected database (selected in the database dropdown list) and execute the script by clicking on the toolbar Execute button.
- Edit the file, putting in the configuration entries for your database. The entry should look something like (but each entry on one complete line):
ApplicationName\=connectDaily Web Calendar
Refer to the JDBC Driver help topic entitled Connecting to SQL Server with the JDBC Driver for additional information on JDBC configuration options.
Gotcha Warning!
If you have connectDaily and SQL Server installed on the same machine, you may run into a startup dependency. connectDaily may attempt to start before SQL Server. If this happens, the connectDaily application will not run correctly and you'll get errors. To correct this, create a registry value of type Multi-String Value (REG_MULTI_SZ) named DependOnService in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Services\connectDaily. For the value of DependOnService enter MSSQLSERVER.