Resources are things that people use for events. Some examples would be Rooms, Projectors, Vehicles, etc. connectDaily provides the ability to schedule Resources with Automatic Conflict Detection.
For general information on Resource Management, watch the Basic esource Management Tutorial, the Advanced Resource Management Tutorial, and read Using Resource Management.
If you will not be using Resources, you can disable this feature in the System Configuration screen.
To add a Resource, from the main menu choose EDIT | RESOURCE. At the end of the list, you should see a button labeled Add Resource.
If the button is not displayed, then you do not have sufficient privilege to Add/Edit Resources Types. Contact your system administrator.
When you add a Resource, you can select who can approve usage of the Resource. Each Resource can have from 0 to many approvers. If a Resource has no approvers, then no approvals are required. If a Resource has approvers, whenever a calendar User adds an Event using that Resource, an EMail notification is sent to each approver.
The Resource Planner view displayed for a specific Resource shows that Resource for a period.
When adding Resources, keep the following things in mind:
The section below contains information on Resource fields.
Resource Type - This is the general category the Resource falls into. Examples would be Vehicle, Facility, A/V equipment, Staff, etc. See Adding and Editing Resource Types.
Active - Marking a resource inactive will prevent it from showing up on the create event or view calendar screens. This allows you to hide the resource and still maintain it's history.
Name - This is the displayed name of the Resource. Each name must be unique.
Location - If you have locations enabled, you can specify the location of a resource. For example, if you have two campuses, you can define each campus, and then the buildings on each campus, and finally assign each resource to the building location. Then, when you view calendar by location, each resource within that location will have it's events broken out separately.
See Also: Locations, Planner View
Active - Marking a resource inactive will prevent it from showing up on the create event or view calendar screens. This allows you to hide the resource and still maintain it's history.
Shared Resource - When selected, multiple events can use the Resource at the same time without generating a conflict. An example would be a nursery, which must be staffed during an event, but multiple events can share the nursery during the same period.
Description - This is a description of the Resource. By default, this is not displayed anywhere, but there is a system configuration setting that allows you to specify that descriptions should be displayed on the View Item page.