When you first login to connectDaily you will see a menu bar along the top. To add Users, go to SYSTEM | SECURITY | USERS.
A list of User accounts is displayed. From here, you can add Users. If you will be using resource approval, it is essential that you enter a valid EMail address for each User. This address will be used for messages the system sends about resource requests and approvals.
User ID and password case sensitivity will depend upon the SQL Database used and the options specified during creation of the database.
connectDaily can be configured to check User names and passwords against your network's User directory. You can do this with directories supporting LDAP or Microsoft Active Directory. If you would like to use your network's directory of User accounts, please refer to Authentication Architecture for detailed configuration instructions.
User Preferences - Refer to the section on User preferences.
Enabled - If this option is checked, then the account is enabled and Users can login using this account. THIS SHOULD BE UNCHECKED FOR GUEST USER ACCOUNTS! If the User you are editing is a configured GUEST User, then this control will be disabled. See Permissions for Anonymous Users (Permissions for Anonymous Users, User Preferences)
User Groups - Select the Groups for your User by using the mover. Mark the Groups you wish to use in the Available Groups box, and then click on the > button so that they are moved to the Selected Groups box. You can mark multiple Groups at a time by using a combination of shift and click or control and click.
If Minimal Security Mode is turned on in the system configuration, then new Users will automatically be made a member of all Groups. To disable Minimal Security Mode, go to SYSTEM | CONFIGURATION | SECURITY and set Minimal Security Mode to No.
Security - This section contains information about login failures and system permissions.
For information about system permissions refer to System-wide Permissions.
Last Signin - The date and time of last login using this account.
Last IP Address - Host name or IP Address that User last logged in from.
Last Browser - Browser identification string that the User's browser supplied on their last login.