The User Preferences screen can be accessed by choosing Toolbox Icon | Preferences from the program menu. Alternatively, preferences for Users can be changed by system administrators by using the Edit User screen.
One thing to remember about User preferences:
Users who are not logged in run with the preferences of the PUBLIC USER (Permissions for Anonymous Users, User Preferences) as specified in system configuration. So, to set options for Users who are not logged in, use the SYSTEM | SECURITY | USERS and then click on the edit icon left of the GUEST User's name. Then on the Edit User screen, set the preferences for the GUEST User.
Time Zone - If Time Zone support is enabled, each User can specify what time zone they are in and timed events will automatically be converted to that time zone.
EMail Address - This is the EMail Address of the User. The address will always be converted to lower case.
SMS Text # - This is the phone number for the mobile device the user would like to receive event reminders and notifications on.
See Also: SMS Text Message Reminders
Default Calendar - When the User sees any of the View**** pages, this is the calendar format that will be displayed to the User.
Default Calendar View - When a User is logged in and chooses "View Calendar" from the menu, this is the default format of the calendar that will appear. Examples would be month view, day view, week view, etc.
Planner Start and End Time - This is the time range that is used for the single day planner view. The default interval for the day view divisions is one hour. If the time range is greater than 12 hours, divisions are created for every two hours.
Enable Save Messages - By default, connectDaily only notifies when a save fails. When turned on, a confirmation dialog is displayed each time an Item is saved.
Enable user comments when saving - If you select this option, each time you edit an event, the system will prompt you to enter comments about the change. These comments will be placed in the audit trail and in any notification messages that are sent.
Smart Calendar Return - By default, after you add an item, the "Return to Calendar View" button takes you to the calendar you were just viewing. If you select this option, the system will determine what month the new event will fall in, and when you click on the return to Calendar button you will be taken to that month.
Display Event Detail in Week View and List View - When this option is selected, the long description and other details for the Event will be displayed in-line on the web page.
Search Results Displayed in Calendar Form - If this option is selected, any search results will be returned in the User's default calendar view, e.g., month view calendar, rather than list view.
Show Last Login on Welcome - Selecting this will display the User's last login time and computer address on the welcome screen when they login. This is a security feature that should be turned on.
Disable Empty Approval Messages - If this option is selected, any event or resource approval messages that the operator did not supply additional information for will be disabled.
Disable Event and Resource Approval Request Messages - If you use the calendar regularly and do not want a lot of Resource and Event approval requests cluttering your inbox, you can disable them by using this option.
If you're still getting messages, make sure that you don't have more than one user account configured with your EMail address.
Show Stop Times by Default - By default, only event start times are displayed on the calendar. You can specify that stop times should be displayed by default by selecting this option.
Show Resources by Default - By default, Resources are not displayed on the main calendar, only on the specific Item view. Selecting this option will show the Resources on the various calendar views.
Show Event Types Filter with Calendar - Selecting this option will display a set of checkboxes above the calendar display. Using these checkboxes, the user can select what event types should be displayed. It's similar to viewing calendar by even type, but it allows you to select more than one event type at the same time.
Section 508 Accessibility Menu - By default, connectDaily uses a Javascript menu. If you check this option, it will use an HTML list style menu that will be more compatible with assistive technology software.
Sort Calendars - Use the list and the up and down arrows to sort the calendars into the order you would like them to appear.