Description Field
Enter free form text that describes your event. Depending upon your system configuration, you may have a rich text editor that you can use to enter events.
connectDaily allows you to use a Rich Text editor to create the long description for events. You can also use the Rich Text Editor for creating a custom header that is displayed when you are logged in. The rich text editor is the Dojo/Dijit Editor, available as part of the Dojo Toolkit available from
The editor allows you to format text, including bold, italic, underline, text color, text background color, etc. You can also insert links and images. Finally, you can control the text alignment and insert numbered and simple lists. As you move your mouse over the icons in the editor toolbar a tooltip will be displayed. These tooltips explain the function of the icon.
The editor works by creating a window, and telling the browser to put that window into design mode. To a very large degree, the behavior of the window is dependent on the browser. For example, we've seen problems copying and pasting when using Internet Explorer. This is not a defect in connectDaily, or the Dojo editor, but a defect in Internet Explorer.
If you are copying/pasting text from Microsoft Word, be sure to use the Copy/Paste from Word function by clicking on the icon as shown below.
The various export screens will export the data as you enter it. You should be aware that not all programs will handle importing HTML correctly.
Allowing IFrames and Javascript
By default, the editor doesn't allow the embedding of IFRAMEs or JavaScript. If you set the System configuration option "Allow JavaScript in Events?" in the System Configuration | Security screen, you can then enter IFrame and Javascript tags.
Disabling the Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor can be disabled by going to System | Configuration | Appearance. Set the option for Enable Rich Text editor for event description to No.
If you're using the rich text editor, you can insert images, links, format the text, etc.
If you're not using the rich text editor, here are some things you can do:
Any URL in the text that is on a line by itself will be converted to a link when the event is displayed. The only exception is if the text already contains HTML link tags (<A HREF=...). If the text contains HTML link tags then the assumption is that you've written your own links the way you want them presented.
If you know HTML, you can embed HTML code in your description.
Some simple HTML codes are:
- <B>Bold</B>
- <H1>Large Heading</H1>
- <EM>Emphasis</EM>
By default, JavaScript and IFrames are not allowed in this field, but you can change this in the System Configuration screen.
You can create or select an existing location for your event.
To enable this feature, go to System | Configuration | System.
If a user has the system wide permission "Location: Add", then they can create new locations when they create the event. If the user does not have this permission, then they will only be able to select existing locations.
See Also: Locations